The use of verb gustar in Spanish (podcast)

Today we will talk about  the use of the verb “gustar”. I know this verb is tricky, and  its use can be confusing to understand, but I assure you I will do my best to explain this grammar point with different examples: 

You can listen to this text on our podcast on Spotify “Viaje al español”

Gustar in English expresses “Like”, Me gusta tocar el piano (I like to play the piano) but unfortunately the conjugation rules are a little different from the other verbs. It is important to keep in mind that the subject for these phrases is not yo, but the thing or things that are liked (coffee or flowers).

Here is the chart of the conjugation, please have a look and then listen the pronunciation.

Use of verb “Gustar” in Spanish


-Me gusta el helado ( I like ice cream)

-Te gusta el mango (you like mangos)

-Le gusta la ciudad de Medellín (he or she likes the city of Medellín) 

-Les gusta viajar en verano (they like to travel in summer) 

-Os gusta comer sandwich de atún (you like to eat tuna sandwich)

-Nos gusta viajar por el mundo (we like to travel around the world)

When the object is plural, you need to put a letter “n” at the end of the verb. It is very important to pronounce the N at the end. Read the following examples:

-Me gustan los cocteles y las pizzas  (I like cocktails and pizzas) 

-Te gustan las mujeres altas y de buen humor ( you like tall women with good sense of humor)

-Le gustan los hombres inteligentes y con moto (She likes smart men with motorcycle) 

-Le gustan los desayunos ligeros y con poca sal (he or she likes light breakfast with little salt) 

-Nos gustan las papas fritas y las papas cocinadas  (we like chips and cooked potatoes) 

When you want to express “I don’t like … “ you say “no me gusta” 

Now, when mentioning the name of a person (or persons) place the name (or pronoun) between the preposition a and the indirect pronoun. This adds clarity and emphasis. Another way to understand when to use is when you answer to the question ¿A quién? to who?

Now, let’s try to do an exercise together. Read the sentence in English and you will translate it in Spanish. 

-I like to talk in Spanish                               

-You like to listen to music in Spanish      

-You like to live in France                   

-You like winter                                            

-I don’t like fall                                             

Now, let’s think of examples using “A ella le gusta, a mí me gusta etc.. “


Asking questions

Asking questions in present is very easy, you just need to put the question mark on the pronunciation. 

Exercises to practice

Translate the sentences from English to Spanish.

-Do you like red wine?    

-Don’t you like spicy food?    

-Do You like to travel by plane?  

-Does your mother like to work more than 8 hours  per day?  

-Do your friends like to drink more than 3 beers per day?  

-Do you like to drink coffee at the balcony? 

Now you are ready to ask other type of questions in Spanish and to talk about the things you like or not. Finally, let me recommend a  song to you to practice this grammar point. Listen to the song “Me gustas tú” from the singer Manuchao. It is a very lively song that students enjoy a lot. I hope you do as well. 

On our next article I will explain to you the use of other verbs with the same structure like “ encantar,  fascinar,  interesar, doler, agobiar”.. 

 I would love to know if this article helped you and any questions you might have. 

Article written by: Alejandra Cuarán Zamora